
LupaSearch currently supports the following languages:

  • Dutch (nl);
  • English (en-us);
  • Estonian (et);
  • Finnish (fi);
  • French (fr);
  • German (de);
  • Latvian (lv);
  • Lithuanian (lt);
  • Norwegian (no);
  • Polish (pl);
  • Portuguese (pt);
  • Romanian (ro);
  • Russian (ru);

Russian language supports automatic conversion from cyrillic to latin. For example, user query rukzak would be automatically converted to рюкзак (bag).

You also have the option to set the language of an index or a specific field to none. Doing so will prevent the application of any grammatical rules to that index or field. It is particularly beneficial to set the language to none for fields like code and sku, especially when these fields contain a combination of letters and numbers. This approach can help avoid any potential misinterpretation due to language-specific grammar rules.