LupaSearch integration

Integration process steps

LupaSearch integration steps

Stage Questions & Steps LupaSearch Customer/ Integrator
Kick-off meeting Challenges and expectations:
# of monthly search sessions (Google Analytics)
of indexed entries, JSON file (field names explained)
# of languages used
# of domains
Demo #1 Data feed simulation in LupaSearch console ✔️
Feedback for Demo #1 ✔️
Agreement Contract preparation and signing ✔️ ✔️
Demo #2 Data feed simulation in LupaSearch console ✔️
Feedback for Demo #2 ✔️
Integration Integration method selection ✔️
Agreement what data to be indexed to LupaSearch and how often ✔️ ✔️
Front-end integration ✔️
Send search events to LupaSearch ✔️
Back-end integration ✔️
LupaSearch infrastructure preparation ✔️
Product feed preparation ✔️
Pre-configuring basic search settings ✔️
GA Analytics sync for advanced search statistics ✔️
Staging environment preparation ✔️
Validation in staging/testing environment ✔️
Lupasearch console user accounts set-up ✔️
Going live Production release ✔️
Onboarding session ✔️
Results optimization Bugs/improvements identification ✔️
Analytical data monitoring ✔️
Adding synonyms in LupaSearch console ✔️
LupaSearch automatically improves search ranking based on sent events along time ✔️

Questions to be answered before an integration:

🔎 Who are the key people for communication regarding search integration? (project management, development)

🔎 What is the project scope (list all channels that will be involved in the integration: b2b, b2c domains, languages used)

🔎 What is the data volume for those channels (total product count)

🔎 How frequent are data updates? (scheduled imports, real-time updates, etc, possibly number of updates per day)

🔎 How many page views, searches are performed each day in search-related pages?

🔎 How many accounts are necessary for the dashboard? Provide a list of the emails

🔎 What is an estimated go-live date?

🔎 List any special implementation details (e.g. different prices for customers/groups, use of Lupa for catalogue page, etc)

🔎 Do you plan to use LupaSearch not only in Search Page, but also in Catalogue? (for increased speed and performance)

🔎 Do your products have dynamic attribute fields that are added frequently? (e.g. product gets a new attribute that should be automatically added to search and/or filterable fields)